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Re: PPP/Auto DNS

> I am in the process of writing a newt based PPP configurator including
> the auto DNS configuration feature. I'm starting with the newt based
> application because it will tie into the RH 6.0 installer that we
> currently use and can also be called from the command line in a console.
> I should have the newt based app ready in a short while barring any
> snags.

Or you could use dialog.  In fact you could consider making a fronte
nd to wvdialconf.  Wvdialconf knows a _lot_ about modems and it
already has an X front end so the only thing you would have to write
would be the console-based front end and add a nice little button for
"Automatic configuration of DNS?"

My 2c advice.

> I will soon start on an X Window version of the same app.
> I have been thinking about other such projects and the thing I'm
> thinking about is the names of such programs. For instance. Microsoft
> calls them Wizards, and there are a few other 'catch words' out there
> that others are using, but I am drawing a blank right now on some of
> the other names. But I hope you understand what I mean. What shall we
> call them in Indy? Something like 'Genie'? No, that one is probably
> already used. We need something more 'Indy specific'. Any thoughts
> anyone?

We could call them "Liberators" but this coincides with the nickname
of the B-24 (or was it B-26?) bomber.  Some people could argue at least
in English-speaking countries and Germans reading the english text.

> Other things can be set-up or configured in a similar manner giving
> the user something to brag about in Indy. We could develop a whole
> series of such programs. Thats one thing *I* would like to see more of
> in Linux. After Windows this is what the user has come to expect.
> Suggestions on other programs? 

			Jean Francois Martinez

Project Independence: Linux for the Masses