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Indialer liberator

I have a working Indialer liberator and have uploaded it to the
/independence/incoming directory on belegost. The liberator will depend
on kudzu to find the modem for the user and configure it to /dev/modem.

The liberator just sets up a _default_ account that the Indialer program
will use to call eznet. Indialer is basically a GUI front end for eznet.
The user will have the choice - type "indialer" and get a GUI to eznet -
or - type "eznet up <accountname>". This was done in the interest of
time. I simply could not afford the time to rewrite the program and meet
a Feb 1st deadline. I feel really bad about loosing the original
program. I feel like I'm letting everyone down.

Indialer will only handle one account right now. I will need to supply
an update sometime after the release of Indy 6.1-0.8, but the liberator
should be fine for future versions.

I have only uploaded the liberator at this time because I have not
finished Indialer at this hour, but I thought you may like to get to
work on the 2nd stage install image ASAP and remove the place holder.

I am assuming that the installer is running as root (please correct me
if I'm wrong). The liberator configures and saves two files in the
directory /var/eznet. This is where eznet and Indialer will look for the
files when they are run. If for some reason this needs to be changed to
another directory you can just change the #define CONFDIR at the top of
indialib.c before running make, then inform me of the change.

The path is relative to the file system on disk. I am not sure if the
installer requires any thing different??

Indialer will need be run as root unless the user has permission to open
/dev/modem. I will leave the Indy security issues to the appropriate

I will get back to writing the Indialer interface. 

Do you want Indialer/eznet made into an RPM? Or do you wish to do it? I
do not have to much experience making RPM's but I do have the book
"Maximum RPM" for reference. I just haven't had time to read it yet!

I will upload the remainder ASAP. Hopefully later this evening.

Did I forget anything? I don't think so.......

 ^ ^
R.G. Mayhue