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[Computerbank] documentation editing


this is the first intro doc for the thin client net that ed, con and I have been working on.

Ed wrote a lot of the original text, which I have prettied up and posted online.

The idea was that WFD participants could be sent off to build a client themselves, and proceed to add a machine as a thin client, hopefully on the way learning a little about tcp/ip, various parts of the /etc folder, and how to do a base install on a machine. Hopefully this hands on work would give a WFD participant a greater understanding of some of linux's nooks and crannies.

I think this intro document needs a little editing though - both ed and I are repeating ourselves continuously....does some one want to take a look and fix it up some more?

more docs should be up this arvo (walk throughs, hardware requirements, software requirements, trouble shoting, etc)



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