Steve succumbed to his battle with cancer and passed away on Sunday, 24th of November, 2002. Steve was the Computerbank NSW logistics manager for the past two years right up until a few months ago when his illness made it too difficult for him to continue and the role passed to Dan Treacy. Steve was a valued contributor, giving not only his time but much of his own home over to the work needed to be done for Computerbank NSW to function in any meaningful way. The work done by Steve in those two years made it possible for Computerbank NSW to survive that embryonic period from which we are just beginning to emerge now and many dis-advantaged people will benefit from the legacy of Steve's work in the years to come. I hope that Computerbank NSW continues to grow in strength and serves an ever growing dis-advantaged segment of our community to be an organic and ongoing tribute Steve Federer. The funeral is being held at North Suburbs Crematorium, at 14:00. Craig Warner and I will both be in attendance and hope to see anyone else who is able to make it, attend also. Take care. -- Cheers, Craige. GPG Key fingerprint = C206 904F 5231 2F2E 8DAA F094 5879 71B5 0960 CF37 Computerbank NSW
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